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10 Jul, 2018 08:46

Grand theft Apple: Robbers snatch $27,000 worth of electronics in seconds [VIDEO]

Grand theft Apple: Robbers snatch $27,000 worth of electronics in seconds [VIDEO]

An investigation has been launched in Fresno, California following a robbery at an Apple Store by a group of young men in hoodies.

Surveillance video captured four men who needed mere seconds to steal 26 items totaling $27,000 Saturday morning at the store inside the Fashion Fair Mall. The thieves ripped out the tethered electronics from display tables throughout the store as customers and Apple Store employees looked on.

Police initially got a report that the incident was an armed robbery, but later determined that no weapons were used during the heist.

“They were going through people and just grabbing stuff,” said Lt. Rob Beckwith, adding that investigators are describing the robbery as “a large grand theft” due to the product value and that there was significant monetary loss.

Investigators are exploring if the crime was connected to a similar robbery in Downtown San Luis Obispo last month.

“There are other reports, of other places, other cities in California that have had these kinds of takeover thefts,” Lt. Mark Hudson of the Fresno Police Department told ABC News. “So we are looking into (this crime) being connected to other crimes, at any other Apple Stores outside of Fresno.”

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