After the announcement of Pepsico's purchase of Wimm-Bill-Dann Ramon Laguarta, President of PepsiCo Eastern Europe says the management of WBD will stay on after the purchase.
“We value a lot their management and we think they are tremendous capable people, and we want to keep them for PepsiCo, either in the dairy business or in the broader PepsiCo Russia organization – even beyond Russia. As we have done with Lebedyansky management. If you look at the acquisition of Lebedyansky most of the management are still in the company, either in the juice business or in other parts of the business, and contributing a lot to the growth of our business in Russia or outside of Russia”Also, Pepsi's local boss says the company is not considering any other purchases in the Russian market for the time being. “We are not currently working on any other Russian companies. We are always open to opportunities, but we already have a very broad portfolio – from waters, to teas, to potato chips, to, now, yoghurt and milk and deserts, and of course, cola. So we are always looking to expand but we are not actively in any other opportunity right now.”