US Army withheld promise from Germany that Ebola virus wouldn't be weaponized

The United States has withheld assurances from Germany that the Ebola virus - among other related diseases - would not be weaponized in the event of Germany exporting it to the US Army Medical Research Institute for Infectious Diseases.
German MFA Deputy Head of Division for Export Control Markus
Klinger provided a paper to the US consulate's Economics Office
(Econoff), "seeking additional assurances related to a
proposed export of extremely dangerous pathogens."
Germany subsequently made two follow-up requests and
clarifications to the Army, according to the unclassified
Wikileaks cable.
"This matter concerns the complete genome of viruses such as the
Zaire Ebola virus, the Lake Victoria Marburg virus, the Machupo
virus and the Lassa virus, which are absolutely among the most
dangerous pathogens in the world," the request notes.
The Zaire Ebola virus was the same strain of Ebola virus which
has been rampaging through West Africa in recent months.
"The delivery would place the recipient in the position of
being able to create replicating recombinant infectious species
of these viruses," the cable notes.
However, it also points out that Germany has in place an
"exceptionally restrictive policy," adding that approval
would not be granted to the export until US assurance was
"A decision about the export has not yet been made. Given the
foregoing, we would appreciate confirmation that the end use
certificate really is from the Department of the Army and of the
accuracy of the data contained therein," the document
There is no follow-up document available to confirm whether the
US Army eventually provided Germany with the necessary
Bioweapons were outlawed in the Biological Weapons Convention of
1972 and was signed and ratified by 179 signatories, including
Germany, the US and Russia.
It dictates that signatories, "under all circumstances the
use of bacteriological (biological) and toxin weapons is
effectively prohibited by the Convention" and "the
determination of States parties to condemn any use of biological
agents or toxins other than for peaceful purposes, by anyone at
any time."