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17 Feb, 2015 14:59

Indian millionaire on murder charge after fatally ramming guard with Hummer

Indian millionaire on murder charge after fatally ramming guard with Hummer

Indian businessman Mohammed Nisham has been charged with murder, after a guard he rammed with his luxury SUV for opening gates too slowly died in hospital. The man succumbed to his injuries after losing a two-week fight for his life.

Chandrabose, the guard who was in his fifties, died in а private hospital near Thrissur, Southern India, on Monday. The man suffered multiple fractures and heart problems caused by his injuries.

Mohammed Nisham, 39, is the managing director of the Kings Group of companies. He ran over Chandrabose on January 29 when the latter delayed opening the gate of the apartment complex Nisham lives in. The guard tried to escape and jumped onto a fountain in front of the gates, but Nisham continued his chase.

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“Nisham reversed the Hummer and rammed it into the fountain,” the Indian Express reports, citing its sources. “The huge vehicle reared up to hit the top of the fountain and crush the man against the wall… Then Nisham drove the Hummer into the parking area of his apartment complex, pulled out Chandrabose and started attacking him again, for nearly 30 minutes. He finally left after abandoning Chandrabose under the Hummer.’’

The other security guards called an ambulance and the police, who arrested Nisham after he had resisted them.

“Nisham was violent and even threatened to attack us,” the Indian Express police sources said. “We got more policemen from a station nearby and took him into custody.”

The injured guard was taken to a private hospital as the authorities decided to bear all treatment expenses for Chandrabose. Chief minister of Kerala state, Oommen Chandy, asked the police to take stringent action against Nisham after visiting the victim in hospital, the Hindu reports.

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According to Indian media, Nisham had been involved in 10 criminal cases before the incident. The latest of them was posting photos on the internet of his underage son driving a Ferrari, but he managed to evade justice in that case.

“In a few cases, he paid the penalty as per the court directive and in one case was sentenced to a day’s imprisonment. A few other cases were settled between the complainants and the accused,’’ police said, according to the Indian Express.

The court hearing for Nisham’s bail plea is planned for February 18.
