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14 Oct, 2015 07:31

Driverless 10-ton tram ploughs through traffic in Kazakhstan (VIDEO)

Driverless 10-ton tram ploughs through traffic in Kazakhstan (VIDEO)

A tram in Kazakhstan crashed into passing cars at a busy intersection in the city of Almaty after a passenger pressed the ‘accelerate’ button instead of ‘brake’.

According to local eyewitness accounts, the tram stopped at an intersection, and the driver left the cabin to fix a malfunction, local media outlet Informburo reported.

The driver then asked a woman passenger to press the ‘brake’ button. The woman seemed to have confused it with ‘accelerate’ and the tram started off, gaining speed. At the next intersection it slammed into vehicles on its way.

According to the passengers of the tram, a fellow passenger came to the rescue as he found the right button on the switch panel.

In total the speeding tram crashed into at least 14 cars, local media reported.

Four people were injured in the accident, two of them passengers of the tram, and two car drivers.

Just a few weeks ago, another tram slammed into a dozen cars, injuring four drivers. Later, a local Instagram user posted a video showing the tram driver running after the vehicle in a desperate attempt to stop it.
