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2 Nov, 2015 07:56

‘You are black, zero, a f***ing African woman’: Finnish lady racially insults Kenyan nurse (VIDEO)

‘You are black, zero, a f***ing African woman’: Finnish lady racially insults Kenyan nurse (VIDEO)

A video posted online shows a white Finnish woman racially attacking a Kenyan nurse for being black. When the nurse asks her why she does this, the woman replies that because she is black and not human in her eyes.

“You are a f***ing African woman. You are zero, you are not human in my eyes,” the Finnish woman is heard saying on the video. “You know what happens in our country. Why all come rape our country?”

The video was shot by the Kenyan nurse herself. It is not clear where exactly the verbal assault took place.

READ MORE: Austria to build border fence with Slovenia amid refugee crisis

The woman continues: “We are in trouble because of black people. Yes, it’s reality! Just try to leave good here, work. Don’t use our resources.”

The abused woman who looks calm finally responded that she is a nurse by profession.

“I treat people in the hospital. Why are you attacking me? What did I do to you?” she asked the angry woman.

The attacker got a quick racist answer: “Because you are black! This country will be like this. Because you are black and I’m white. You are welcome, but not in my country,” shouts the Finnish lady and leaves.

READ MORE: Swedish politician says country ‘facing collapse’ due to mass influx of refugees

Numerous users on social media slammed the racist insult, saying how disgusted they were to see such a video.

“Racism everywhere..” Kei Jay KJ users wrote under the video on Facebook.

“Proud of the Kenyan lady. She handled this so well. Never argue with a fool, no one will notice the difference. Just walk away,” another user Chris Emy said.

The EU is now facing its greatest refugee crisis since the end of World War II. The UN refugee agency expects more than a million of asylum seekers to arrive in Europe this year. EU leaders have agreed on a plan to distribute refugees between the union’s members. However, the move is being opposed by several eastern EU-members.

READ MORE: Le Pen compares migrant influx to barbarian invasion of Rome

Last week, Austrian authorities decided to build a fence along its border with Slovenia to control the flow of asylum seekers. So far the only EU country that actually sealed its borders is Hungary. The country, a Schengen member, closed its borders with non-EU member Serbia in mid-September and with non-Schengen Croatia.

The popularity of right-wing parties who remain skeptical over the aim of arriving refugees is growing in Europe. Opinion polls in France show big support for the National Front and Marine Le Pen, who has compared the influx of migrants to the barbarian invasion of Rome. The anti-Muslim Danish People's Party in Denmark, the UK Independence Party and the anti-Muslim Freedom Party of Austria are winning more seats in local parliaments. In Switzerland, the anti-immigration Swiss People's Party won a third of the seats in the parliament in October.

