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9 Nov, 2015 04:53

‘Kill on the spot’: Poll shows most Israelis support immediate execution for Palestinian attackers

‘Kill on the spot’: Poll shows most Israelis support immediate execution for Palestinian attackers

Over 50 percent of Israelis think that Palestinians suspected of terror activities “should be killed on the spot,” says a new think-tank poll. The hardening stance comes as 6 Israelis were injured in attacks over the weekend.

New shocking data has revealed that “a majority of Jewish Israelis (53%) … said they agreed with the statement that ‘any Palestinian who has perpetrated a terror attack against Jews should be killed on the spot,’” the survey, carried out by the Jerusalem-based Israel Democracy Institute, said. 

The extrajudicial killings were supported even after the suspects have been arrested and “no longer pose a threat,” the self-described “non-partisan ‘think-and-do tank’ dedicated to strengthening the foundations of Israeli democracy” said on its website.

The poll involved 600 adults and was carried out over two days in October. 

Moreover, 80 percent of the Israeli respondents also stated that they would like to see the family homes of alleged Palestinian attackers demolished.

The survey reflects a toughening Jewish attitude amid increased Israeli-Palestinian tensions throughout Israel, the occupied West Bank, and the Gaza Strip.

Stabbing attacks on the rise, as Israeli soldiers adopt ‘shoot to kill’ approach 

Violence in the region has been climbing, with the number of stabbings attacks on Israelis by Palestinians on the rise.  

Despite rapid responses by Israeli police, Sunday proved to be a bloody end to the weekend, as six Israelis were injured and two Palestinian attackers were killed in several confrontations throughout the day.

In a new wave of attacks, a Palestinian woman allegedly stabbed an Israeli security guard near the entrance to a Jewish settlement in the West Bank, before being quickly shot. She eventually died from her injuries, media reports said. The incident was captured on video that was later released by Israeli authorities


Four more people were injured at a bus stop near the Israeli settlement of Tapuach in the occupied West Bank when a Palestinian man crashed his car into it. Israeli officers shot that suspect dead as well.

Later in the day, another Jewish settler was stabbed in the stomach by two Palestinians in the village of Nabi Ilyas. Israel’s defense ministry said the victim survived after receiving help at a nearby checkpoint.

Such street attacks have killed 11 Israelis and 72 Palestinians since October, while thousands of Palestinians have taken to the streets – some rallying to condemn the violence, and others demanding revenge.

Israeli politicians have been encouraging security forces to take on a tougher approach to Palestinians, with some urging them to shoot suspects on the spot.

One Israeli legislator from the center-right Yesh Atid party, Yair Lapid, told Israeli soldiers in October that Palestinians who threaten Israeli troops or civilians “should be shot to be killed.”

In addition, Israel’s security minister, Gilad Erdan, said Palestinians suspects should be shot dead to show future attackers “that they will not survive the attack that they were going to carry out.”

The latest attacks come as Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is scheduled to have a meeting with US President Barack Obama in Washington on Monday, their first in over a year.

It has become a flashpoint in the conflict, with Palestinians fearing they will be deprived of their rights at Al-Aqsa. Under current arrangements, Jews are allowed to visit the site but non-Muslim prayer is banned. In October, Israel reintroduced a ban barring Muslim worshipers under 50 from entering the mosque for Friday prayers. The move was announced by Israeli police as part of broader measures focused on tightening security in the Old City.

READ MORE: Israeli stabs another Jew by mistake, trying to avenge wave of Palestinian stabbings

Israel captured East Jerusalem, the West Bank, and the Gaza Strip during the 1967 Middle East war and have occupied them ever since. Palestinians claim these territories for their own state.
