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7 Jan, 2016 17:27

Cold never bothered me anyway: Frozen soap bubbles in epic detail (VIDEO)

Cold never bothered me anyway: Frozen soap bubbles in epic detail (VIDEO)

Photographer Pawel Zaluska has reminded us that sometimes cold is beautiful with this footage of soap bubbles turning to ice.

Zaluska filmed the footage in Warsaw at -15 degrees celsius. The detail is so clear in the footage that individual snowflakes can be seen forming in the bubble.

His Instagram gives us a glimpse behind the scenes at how he filmed the amazing transition.

#frozen #bubble #winter ❄️😶

A video posted by @zaluskart on

The UK is bracing itself for an Arctic air front with snow and ice forecast, sure to cause major disruptions.

Amidst all the chaos, let's take a moment to remember that sometimes the cold can be fun.

Here’s -41 in Siberia.

These Russians sure know how to ‘brave’ the winter.
