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10 May, 2016 16:34

13 US soldiers arrested, several people injured after huge brawl in Italian bar

13 US soldiers arrested, several people injured after huge brawl in Italian bar

A huge brawl at a bar in Bassano del Grappa, northern Italy, ended with the arrests of 13 American soldiers and six injuries, while the fight itself involved some 40 people, local media report.

Four Americans and two Ghanaians were also hospitalized.

According to local media, police in the province of Vicenza said the fight involved “American military men and a group of men from Africa."

Those arrested will all appear before court on Thursday to answer for the fight, which erupted around 3:30am on Sunday morning.

It is not clear how the bust-up started, but apparently there was an argument, leading to one American soldier being stabbed in the back by a Ghanaian. The brawl allegedly did not start in earnest until a “manhunt” was already underway for the guilty Ghana national.

The US soldiers were placed under house arrest at the base where they are stationed, but have since been freed, according to newspaper Corriere del Veneto.
