2 French ISIS boys kill Syrians in chilling video
![2 French ISIS boys kill Syrians in chilling video](https://mf.b37mrtl.ru/files/2016.05/article/57385657c46188bc388b4573.jpg)
A shocking video released by Islamic State shows two French boys brutally murdering two pro-government Syrians in Aleppo.
The footage, partially in French and titled ‘Sur les traces de mon pere’ (‘In the footsteps of my father’), features two French teenagers named ‘Abu Musa’ab’ and ‘Abu Qaqa’a’.
The boys are allegedly brothers, brought to Syria with their father, who was later killed in fighting.
The two men murdered in the video were supposedly found guilty of espionage, Islamic State's (IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL) Telegram account stated.
In the video, two French teenagers are shown living the IS ‘life’, and being raised as jihadists.
They fire at posters of world leaders, including French President Francois Hollande.
Afterwards, they are shown executing two unarmed Syrian men, claiming that one of them is a spy for the Nusayri Army (Alawites, the forces of Syrian President Bashar Assad), and the other a soldier of the Nusayri Army.
Children have often become a frightening tool of IS propaganda: only a fortnight ago, terrorists released footage showing Syrian orphans, saying they seek revenge for their parents' deaths.
In February, a disturbing video demonstrated a 4-year-old infant, dressed in camouflage clothing and nicknamed Jihadi Junior, blowing up three prisoners by pressing a button on a remote control.
In another footage released last December, a group of six children, each about eight years old, take part in a chilling hide-and-seek game: they execute Syrian captives, hidden in the ancient ruins.