1,000s Turkish forces surround NATO’s Incirlik air base for ‘inspection’ amid rumors of coup attempt

Some 7,000 armed police in heavy vehicles surrounded the Incirlik air base used by NATO forces in Adana in what a Turkish minister called a “security check.” With no official explanation, speculations have arisen about a new coup attempt or VIP visit.
READ MORE: Anti-US rally staged at NATO Incirlik air base in Turkey (VIDEO, PHOTOS)
Hurriyet reported earlier that Adana police had been tipped off about a new coup attempt, and forces were immediately alerted. The entrance to the base was closed off.
Security forces armed with rifles and armored TOMA vehicles used by Turkish riot police could be seen at the site in photos taken by witnesses.
@Brasco_Aad These heavy dump trucks are being made ready to enter #Incirlik Air Base (are they trying to close it?) pic.twitter.com/UQlGAv5FsC
— Brasco_Aad (@Brasco_Aad) July 30, 2016
#Tatvan derken#incirlik üssünde olağanüstü hareketlilik.#PÖH giriş çıkışları tutmuş tetikte bekliyor. pic.twitter.com/TSsqHW9Ydk
— Levent Tekin (@Levent_Tekin) July 30, 2016
Turkey’s minister for EU Affairs downplayed the situation in a Twitter post, saying a “security inspection” was carried out.
ADANA'dayım. İncirlik veya Adana'daki başka yerle ilgili bir sıkıntı yok. Genel güvenlik değerlendirmesi de yaptık. Herhangi bir sorun yok
— Ömer Çelik (@omerrcelik) July 30, 2016
“We did the general security check. There is nothing wrong,” he tweeted from Adana.
Some supporters of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan have reportedly flocked to the cordon surrounding the base. The scene, however, did not appear as massive and tense as the recent Adana protests demanding for the base to be shut down.
More and more Pro AK Parti / Erdogan supporters (Turkish #NDF) arrive at the gates of #Incirlik Air Base. pic.twitter.com/2lfsl0bjh4
— Brasco_Aad (@Brasco_Aad) July 30, 2016
On Thursday, a huge rally marched towards the NATO base, as people with loudspeakers chanted anti-American and anti-Israel slogans. The demonstrators claim that the US had a hand in the failed July 15 coup attempt in which 270 people died. Tens of thousands people, including members of the military, police, judiciary, media, and civil service, have been arrested in connection with the coup, which Turkish officials say was organized by US-based cleric Fethullah Gulen, Erdogan’s former ally, who is now his most hated rival.
READ MORE: Anti-US rally staged at NATO Incirlik air base in Turkey (VIDEO, PHOTOS)
Looks like airspace around #Incirlik is closed pic.twitter.com/ZwaQPpHFNr
— Serbo-Canadian (@SerboCanada) July 31, 2016
In the wake of the coup attempt, several military officials at the Incirlik Air Base, including its commander, General Bekir Ercan Van, were arrested on treason charges by Turkish authorities, which claimed that one of the rogue F-16 planes taking part in the rebellion to overthrow Erdogan’s government had been refueled there.
The general had even reportedly attempted to seek asylum in the US, but his plea was apparently rejected.
Incirlic Air Base is used by both the Turkish and US militaries and is vital to the US-led anti-terror bombing campaign in Syria and Iraq. It also serves as one of six NATO storage sites for US tactical nuclear weapons in Europe. The exact number of nuclear bombs kept at the base is unknown, although, according to various estimates, it may store up to 90 warheads.
The US-led coalition’s airstrikes had to be halted for several days when power was cut at the base. US military personnel stationed there had to switch to an internal power supply.
READ MORE: Local authorities block access to air base in Turkey that houses US nukes
The “inspection” at the base comes as the Turkish government announced a sweeping military reform on Saturday. In an interview with TV broadcaster A-Haber, Erdogan unveiled plans to scrap all military academies and replace them with a new national defense university.
Protesters chant 'Allahu Akbar' & 'Go Home USA' outside #Incirlikhttps://t.co/2LmFufV7wr
— LucidHurricane™✘ (@LucidHurricane_) July 31, 2016
The commanders of the different branches of the Turkish armed forces are to be put under the defense minister’s chain of command. In addition, Erdogan wants the National Intelligence Organization (MIT) and military chief of staff to report directly to him, which would require a new constitutional amendment to be passed by the parliament.
Communication with #Incirlik has been cutoff. Cannot reach them by email or phone. pic.twitter.com/s8GZrlBMPp
— Income Disparity (@IncomeDisparity) July 31, 2016
It also comes on the eve of a visit from a top US military official, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Joseph Dunford, who is scheduled to arrive in Turkey on Sunday. Diplomatic sources quoted by Hurriyet claim Dunford will go visit both Ankara and Incirlik.
At this time, it looks like #Incirlik is readying for either a VIP or inspection. We are not finding any evidence of a coup or takeover.
— DEFCONWarningSystem (@DEFCONWS) July 30, 2016