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1 Oct, 2016 07:44

Controversial Hitler installation illuminates building in Berlin (VIDEO)

Controversial Hitler installation illuminates building in Berlin (VIDEO)

A controversial art installation in Berlin has seen Adolf Hitler’s face light up a building in the center of the capital. One German motorist was so shocked at seeing the display, which is part of a month-long light festival, that he called the police.

Hitler was one of a dozen famous faces who were picked to be part of “Berlin Leuchtet” (Berlin shines) festival, which is running for two weeks in the capital. The installation work has been carried out by RE:SORB art group.

His face can be seen illuminating a building on Leipziger Platz, while a series of Nazi flags, with the Swastika blacked out, are visible in the background. The former head of the Nazi party does not say anything, while rolling his eyes.  

The display took place just a few hundred meters from the bunker where Hitler committed suicide with the Nazis facing defeat to the allies in 1945.

The face of infamous Nazi propaganda chief Joseph Goebbels is also visible on the building, as he can be heard shouting, “Do you want total war?” 

Not everyone was aware that the images were part of an art installation, with one enraged motorist calling the police after seeing the display. 

Displays of Nazi imagery that glorify the Third Reich are forbidden in Germany, but police explained that the installation which depicted Hitler and Goebbels was granted an exception as artistic work. 

“There is a clear historical context as part of a performance art,” said the police spokesperson. 

Meanwhile, Andreas Boehlke, the festival's curator, defended the artwork, saying the display is aimed at serving as a warning.

“Nothing is glossed over. It is a clear warning to all,” Boehlke said in a statement. “This must never happen again. We inspire people to deal with history. We do not make Nazi propaganda.”

The festival started on Friday and will run to October 16. Around 70 buildings around Berlin will be illuminated. Other famous faces that will be on display include John F. Kennedy, Erich Honecker, Helmut Kohl and David Hasselhoff.
