Egyptian man charged with raping 20-month-old girl to face trial

An Egyptian man accused of raping a 20-month-old girl will soon face trial over the charges, according to local media. Prosecutors say the defendant has confessed to the crime.
The man was arrested on Friday after allegedly kidnapping the baby girl on the same day as she played in front of her house in Belqas village, located in the Nile Delta governorate of Daqahliya, Ahram Online reported.
The 35-year-old then took her to a secluded area and raped her, according to investigations conducted by the prosecution. He later fled the scene, leaving her in a pool of her own blood, according to Egypt’s Youm7 newspaper.
The toddler was later found by residents and taken to a nearby hospital where she received emergency surgery for vaginal bleeding. She suffered heavy blood loss, Al Arabiya reported, citing local media.
She was later released from hospital.
The Egyptian prosecution referred the man for trial on Monday evening, according to Ahram Online. However, Al Arabiya said the prosecution has merely ordered a four-day detention for the man, pending further investigation.
The man has reportedly confessed to the crime, according to the prosecution.
Egypt's National Council for Women, Daqahliya branch, issued a statement demanding the maximum penalty for the defendant on Saturday.
Meanwhile, the girl's mother has expressed sorrow following the tragic incident.
"My daughter can’t utter the words mama and papa yet, and all of this has happened to her. My heart is burning and there’s nothing I can do for her,” she said, as quoted by Egypt Independent.
The child's grandfather said that "execution is not even enough" for the defendant.
“I don’t know how a 35-year-old person can do this to a child who is a year and eight months old, who cannot even speak yet and still wears diapers," he said.
The incident has also angered the local community, with Al-Ahram news website reporting that residents of the village had attempted to burn the defendant's house down. Many on social media have demanded nothing less than execution for the man.
The National Council for Women is set to hold a meeting to discuss providing aid to the child and her family.