Eiffel Tower dims its lights for St. Petersburg attack victims after public outcry

4 Apr, 2017 16:50 / Updated 8 years ago

Paris Mayor Anne Hidalgo has announced in a Twitter post that the Eiffel Tower will turn off its lights to pay tribute to the victims of the St. Petersburg Metro terrorist attack, apparently after she faced massive public pressure on social networks.

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“Tonight, at midnight, Paris will dim the lights of the Eiffel Tower in tribute to the victims of the attack in Saint Petersburg,” Hidalgo tweeted on Tuesday.

The mayor allegedly caved in to public pressure, as many people were apparently outraged after the famous landmark didn’t turn off its lights or light up in the colors of the Russian flag on the evening of the attack.

READ MORE: ‘Only in exceptional cases’: No illuminated European landmarks for St. Petersburg victims

Hidalgo had expressed solidarity with the victims of the attack in a Monday tweet. Many people commented on the post by asking if anything was going to be done in Paris for this to be “more than words.”

“I hope you will put the Eiffel Tower lights out! Or not all victims [of terrorist attacks] are equal?!” the mayor was asked.

“Are the Russians some ‘sub-humans’ that [you] do not pay homage to them by lighting the Eiffel Tower? Shame on you!” another comment read.

There have been messages describing Hidalgo’s apparent inaction as shameful and accusing her of Russophobia.

Fourteen people were killed and dozens more injured in a suicide bombing attack in the St. Petersburg Metro on Monday.

World leaders expressed their condolences with those affected by the attack. However, no European cities showed their solidary with the victims by decorating their landmarks with Russia’s national colors on Monday evening, even though they have often done so when other nations suffered similar attacks.

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