Immediate aftermath of Stockholm truck attack caught in dramatic footage (VIDEOS)

Dramatic video footage taken immediately after the truck attack in Stockholm on Friday shows the chaos as people run for their lives in the immediate aftermath.
Police confirmed that four people died after a truck ran over pedestrians outside the Ahlens City shopping center in Stockholm.
Something's happening on Drottninggatan and around Stockholm.
— Johnny Chadda (@johnnychadda) April 7, 2017
The first of a number of videos published online in the immediate aftermath was taken from a nearby office building and posted on Twitter by Johnny Chadda. The user’s content was geo-located to the location of the attack.
Johnny Chadda is verified as the original uploader of the videos based on his account history, with numerous social assets uploaded, tagged and verified as originating in Stockholm.
RT worked to verify the video and its location by matching landmarks in the video using local media reports and Google Maps.

The videos are taken from above Sergelgatan street, and shows people running down Sergelgatan and crossing Haymarket and Sergel's Square, in the immediate vicinity of where the attack is reported to have taken place.
— Johnny Chadda (@johnnychadda) April 7, 2017
The people are running from the scene of the crash, which occurred at the Ahlens shopping center, on the corner of Drottninggatan and Master Samuelsgatan. The truck crashed into the perfume department of the Ahlens store.
— Johnny Chadda (@johnnychadda) April 7, 2017
Chadda’s third and fourth videos show the same street, which is much quieter. Four armed police appear to be searching the street.
— Johnny Chadda (@johnnychadda) April 7, 2017
The image below was uploaded in the immediate aftermath - it is the first such image to appear online following the attack.
It is linked to a Twitter account geo-located to the Drottninggatan area of Stockholm. The uploader captions his Tweet saying that he had been sent the footage by a colleague.
The image is identified by the distinct Ahlens City mall sign - it is verified by the below screengrab taken from Google Earth.
The below image is corroborated by other geo-located user-generated content from the area on Instagram and by reports from local media outlets.
Kollega skickar den här bilden. Fy fan! #kä
— Pontus Håkansson (@Ponhak) April 7, 2017