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16 Apr, 2017 15:55

Orthodox & Catholic Christians celebrate Easter on same day in rare convergence (VIDEO, PHOTOS)

Orthodox & Catholic Christians celebrate Easter on same day in rare convergence (VIDEO, PHOTOS)

Millions of Christians worldwide are celebrating the most important holiday of their faith, Easter Sunday, when they pay tribute to their belief in the resurrection of Christ after his death by crucifixion.


Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia delivered his traditional Easter address to hundreds of Orthodox believers gathered at Russia’s main Orthodox church, Christ the Savior Cathedral, which was rebuilt in late 1990s after being demolished in 1931.

The patriarch called on the faithful to show care for those who desperately need support and help.


“The path of the Savior is the path of love, on which the person turns from concentrating exclusively on himself to those who need our help and support,” the head of the Russian Orthodox Church said.

“While following this path, we get to know the mystery of human happiness that God reveals to us, which is hidden in the sacrificial, unconditional, and all-forgiving love affirmed by the Savior on the cross and which must be reflected in our lives,” Patriarch Kirill added.


Easter is the biggest Christian celebration of the year in Russia. As is tradition, the Holy Fire, which symbolizes the resurrection of Jesus Christ, was delivered to Moscow from Jerusalem for the solemn liturgy.


This year, followers of the Orthodox and Catholic Churches are celebrating Easter on the same day. The next time the two churches will share Easter celebrations won’t be until 2025.

During his “Urbi et Orbi” Easter message on Sunday, Pope Francis encouraged people not to lose faith amid wars, suffering, and destruction.

We may be tempted to ask, “But where is the Lord?” he said, as cited by the Catholic News Agency (CNA.)

“Today, the Church continues to say: ‘Stop, Jesus is risen.’”
