Paris mosque urges Muslims to follow ‘path of hope’ by voting Macron

Supporters of Emmanuel Macron and Marine Le Pen wasted no time in canvassing support just a day after the opening round of the presidential election. The Grande Mosque in Paris put out a call to followers to vote “massively” for Macron in May’s run-off.
“Respecting the republican values and the strict application of the principles of secularism, embodies the path of hope and confidence in the spiritual and citizenship of the nation,” read a statement from the mosque, one of the largest in France.
Supporters of Macron have called on the French public to embrace the candidate they believe has the ability to silence the views of the far-right, represented by presidential rival Le Pen and the National Front party.
READ MORE: Euro, stocks surge on French election results
Rémi Féraud, mayor of the 10th arrondissement of Paris tweeted that, in the second round, a vote for Macron would help “eliminate the extreme right.”
Au 2e tour, nous devons tout faire pour éliminer l'extrême-droite et voter sans hésitation pour @EmmanuelMacron#Presidentielle2017
— Rémi Féraud (@RemiFeraud) April 23, 2017
His sentiments were echoed by Paris Mayor Anne Hidalgo, who called on supporters to vote for Macron and “block the extreme right.”
J’appelle à faire barrage à l'extrême-droite et à voter au second tour pour Emmanuel #Macron.
— Anne Hidalgo (@Anne_Hidalgo) April 23, 2017
Emmanuel Gregoire, secretary of the Socialist Party, warned voters not to take for granted that the favorite Macron would win, any such ideas would be “serious and dangerous.”
Le soutien à @EmmanuelMacron est une évidence. Tous les républicains doivent se mobiliser.
— Emmanuel GREGOIRE (@egregoire) April 23, 2017
President Hollande described Le Pen and the far-right as a “risk for the country,” urging supporters to vote for Macron.
Florian Philippot from Le Pen’s National Front poked fun at Hollande’s comments, asking if he would attend the restaurant La Rotonde with Macron to celebrate their alliance.
Macron was mocked for using the opulent restaurant as the setting for his victory gathering on Sunday.
Peut-être Hollande et Macron iront-ils ce soir fêter leur alliance à #LaRotonde ?
— Florian Philippot (@f_philippot) April 24, 2017
Members of the National Front have hit out at Macron, claiming he will not be strict on France’s borders and leave the country vulnerable to further terror attacks.
READ MORE: 'Macron will deliver a weak France, exactly what Brussels & Berlin want'
General secretary of the party Nicolas Bay said his attitude on migrants was “lax”, while vice-president Steeve Briois described him as the “globalist candidate.”
Après sa qualification face au candidat mondialiste Macron, Marine visite ce matin le marché de #Rouvroy, dans le Pas-de-Calais !
— Steeve Briois (@SteeveBriois) April 24, 2017
Some Twitter accounts attempted to drum up support for Le Pen by recycling Hillary Clinton’s hashtag #ImWithHer. The hashtag failed to catch on with accounts that weren’t hiding behind false identities.
This party congratulates #MarineLePen on her astonishing victory tonight.
— National Front USA (@FrontNationalUS) April 24, 2017
I never thought I'd say it but... #ImWithHer! Best of luck to France, and Marine Le Pen!
— #TrumpTheLeft (@trumpingtheleft) April 23, 2017
"Le Pen" #JeVote#JeVoteMarine Saw this one on FB.
— Orwell & Goode™ (@OrwellNGoode) April 23, 2017
Jean-Marie Le Pen, father of Marine and founder of the National Front, has not commented on the result. On Sunday he shared an image online which shows him attending a voting station.
La voix de LE PEN
— Jean-Marie Le Pen (@lepenjm) April 23, 2017