Sirens blare as Japan wakes to North Korea missile warnings (VIDEOS)
Usually reserved for earthquakes, warning systems in Japan that play safety messages and blare sirens over tannoy were used on Monday to warn residents in Sapporo of an approaching North Korean missile.
In videos posted to social media from Hokkaido prefecture, sirens can be heard warning residents of the passing missile.
— Shin Takizawa (@shin420setsu1) August 28, 2017
— 呟き (@dQE0g5lZlLriFcj) August 28, 2017
I woke up with a Siren and an announcement that North Korea launched a missile that would possibly hit cities within Hokkaido.
— Joe (@jtnarsico) August 28, 2017
Warning messages were also sent to residents’ mobile phones, initiated by Japan’s J-Alert system.
"A missile was fired from North Korea. Please evacuate to a sturdy building or basement," the text message read.
After the missile had passed from Japanese airspace, another message was sent reading: "A North Korean missile passed over this area. If you find suspicious things, please never touch them."
Alarm from JP Gov. "A missile was fired from North Korea. Please evacuate to a sturdy building or basement."
— Chiho komoriya (@Chihokomoriya) August 28, 2017
Alarm from the JP Gov again. "A North Korean missile passed over this area. If you find suspicious things, please never touch them."
— Chiho komoriya (@Chihokomoriya) August 28, 2017
— MASHIKO (@vistlip0125) August 28, 2017
According to the Japanese and South Korean governments, the missile fired from North Korea passed through northern Japan’s airspace. Japan did not attempt to shoot it down before it fell into the Pacific ocean 14 minutes after launch.
READ MORE: North Korea fires missile through Japan’s airspace