Russian MoD to probe meme-triggering video game screenshot attached to Syria statement

Russia’s Defense Ministry says it has launched an inquiry into pictures mistakenly attached to its statement. One was a screenshot from a mobile game, leading to the internet exploding with memes.
“The Russian Ministry of Defense is investigating its civilian employee who mistakenly attached photos to a statement on the US-led coalition’s interaction with the Islamic State militants in the area of Abu-Kamal,” the military said in a statement.
Earlier Tuesday, the MoD uploaded images on Facebook and Twitter, which it said were evidence that the US were actually covering up Islamic State (IS, ISIS/ISIL) combat units.
The online crowd was quick to point out that one of the pictures was actually a screenshot from “C-130 Gunship Simulator: Special Ops Squadron” mobile game.
The Defense Ministry removed the photos from the post on Facebook and deleted the tweet. It later reposted the same statement with different images.
#RusMoD shows irrefutable evidence that US are actually covering ISIS combat units to recover their combat capabilities, redeploy, and use them to promote the American interests in the Middle East
— Минобороны России (@mod_russia) November 14, 2017
But it was too late to stop the meme flow. Twitter users rushed to outwit each other in suggesting what other games – Minesweeper, Super Mario Brothers, Space invaders – could illustrate the Russian military statements.
Irrefutable evidence of American tanks defending ISIS in Syria
— Soviet Sergey (@SovietSergey) 14 ноября 2017 г.
BREAKING NEWS: Watch this high-quality GoPro footage that proves US supporting ISIS in Syria
— GameTree (@gametreeapp) 14 ноября 2017 г.
#RusMoD shows irrefutable evidence that US are actually covering ISIS combat units to recover their combat capabilities, redeploy, and use them to promote the American interests in the Middle East
— Jimmy Rushmore (@JimmyRushmore) 14 ноября 2017 г.
#RusMoD shows irrefutable evidence that US are actually covering ISIS combat units to recover their combat capabilities, redeploy, and use them to promote the American interests in the Middle East
— Jimmy Rushmore (@JimmyRushmore) 14 ноября 2017 г.