‘No Chinese!’ Japanese cosmetics company apologizes for ‘racist’ sign (PHOTO)
Japan’s cosmetics giant Pola has apologized for an “inappropriate” poster, filmed hanging on one of its stores. The offending sign warned Chinese nationals not to enter the shop.
The picture of the handwritten poster hanging on a door of a Pola cosmetics store emerged on Chinese social media and promptly went viral over the weekend. The poster, photographed at an unspecified location, reads “Entry by Chinese people prohibited.”
該当店舗をすでに営業停止にし、店のオーナーと結んでいた委託販売契約を解除したという。中国では「アパホテルの差別的発言のときとは対応が違う」などの声も上がっています。/ポーラ店舗「中国の方出入り禁止」張り紙に本社が謝罪 迅速な対応に評価の声も https://t.co/YeJGKaGLzQ
— 播磨谷拓巳/TakumiHarimaya (@takumiharimaya) November 26, 2017
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The cosmetics giant, which boasts some 4,600 stores across Japan, promptly apologized for the “unpleasant feelings and inconvenience to many people.” The company said it identified the offending shop and removed the sign and even promised to suspend the operation of the store altogether since it “takes the situation gravely.”
“As soon as we confirm the facts, we will suspend operations at the store and implement strict punishment,” the company said in a statement in both Japanese and Chinese.