Feline lucky? WikiLeaks gifts tradeable ethereum ‘cats’ to Trump & Clinton

22 Dec, 2017 10:31 / Updated 7 years ago
The cryptocurrency ethereum conceptualized as physical currency. © Jaap Arriens

WikiLeaks has presented a surprise early Christmas present to former presidential rivals Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton – a pair of virtual cryptocurrency kitties. The tradeable ‘cats’ are potentially worth thousands of dollars.

Built on the ethereum blockchain, a centralized digital ledger which tracks cryptocurrency transactions, the Cryptokitties game involves trading digital assets. In this case, the assets are “collectable and breedable digital cats.” The application was created earlier this year by Axiom Zen.

In a statement, WikiLeaks signalled their plan to auction off a ‘litter’ of virtual cats bred from its first generation of CryptoKitties, Mr WikiLeaks and Mrs WikiLeaks.

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Two of these virtual kittens, part of the roaring CryptoKitties market said to be worth $17 million collectively, have been “gifted” to US President Trump and former Secretary of State Clinton.

According to WikiLeaks, the virtual mogs are valued at several thousand dollars, and although the president is unlikely to take up the gift offering, Trump’s so-called ‘Tender Tabby’ will legally become federal property if he does.

WikiLeaks editor Julian Assange says proceeds of the kitty auction will “empower” the organization.

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“Cryptography is not only transforming the global financial system, it is generating creative innovation in a vast array of human interaction. WikiLeaks likes cats and wants to help bring cryptocurrencies and smart contracts into the mainstream,” Assange said in a statement.

“Donors and crypto-kitty enthusiasts can empower WikiLeaks by bidding for one of our cute purebred cyptographic kittens. Newcomers will learn about the blockchain, acquire their very first cryptocurrency, and potentially even make a profit.”

Based in Vancouver, Zen say the new game’s goal is to “explore the concept of digital scarcity… and make blockchain technology accessible to everyday consumers.”

An online log of CryptoKitties sales reveals a number of the virtual cats are valued at more than $100,000.