‘They overreacted’: US Israeli envoy on Palestinian reaction to Jerusalem decision

28 Dec, 2017 21:11 / Updated 7 years ago
© Mohamad Torokman

America's ambassador to Israel has claimed the reaction to Washington's move recognizing Jerusalem as Israel's capital is irrational and "needlessly provocative."

The massive anti-Israeli and anti-American protests that erupted across the Muslim world following Donald Trump's announcement have been dubbed as "ugly, needlessly provocative and antisemitic" by David Friedman. Palestinians have been acting "largely emotional," and "unfortunately overreacted," the US ambassador, known as an outspoken advocate for Israel's claim to the Holy City told the Jerusalem Post. Washington is "not taking a position on any final status issues," he said.

"There is no path around the United States" being involved in the peace process. "Israel has made it clear that they will not engage under the sponsorship of any other nation," he said.

America's 45th president will make it to history books as "one of Israel's greatest friends," the Orthodox Jewish ambassador suggested, adding, that Trump's "courage" in making the decision "against the wishes of so many other nations" must be applauded.

READ MORE: All aboard the Trump train? Israel wants Jerusalem station named after US leader

Around a dozen Palestinians have been killed and hundreds injured as Israeli security forces brutally suppressed Palestinian protests in Jerusalem, the West Bank and Gaza. The US decision to recognize Jerusalem has also been largely opposed in the UN General Assembly, with member states voting 128-9 to condemn the move. Lawmakers in Iran have overwhelmingly voted in favor of a bill that would see Jerusalem recognized as the capital of the Palestinian state, while the Guatemalan president declared that the Central American nation's Israeli embassy would also be moved to Jerusalem.