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30 Jan, 2018 11:40

Who’s who on US Treasury ‘Kremlin List’: From PM to head of ‘the Russian Google’

Who’s who on US Treasury ‘Kremlin List’: From PM to head of ‘the Russian Google’

After the US Treasury released its so-called ‘Kremlin List’, featuring the entire Russian government and numerous prominent businessmen, RT looks at some of the ‘big players’ eyed by Washington.

The report, published Tuesday, claims it is in no way “a sanctions list.” However, it is a part of a sanctions law signed by President Donald Trump in August, which targeted Russia in retaliation for alleged interference in the 2016 presidential election – a claim that has not been backed up with any substantial evidence.

READ MORE: Russian PM Medvedev, FM Lavrov & other top figures included in US Treasury’s ‘Kremlin List’

The document raised quite a few eyebrows in Moscow, and indeed appears to boast something of the crème de la crème of Russian politics and business. Here are the key inclusions.

Dmitry Medvedev

Russian prime minister, incumbent since 2012, previously served as Russian president


Dmitry Peskov 

Kremlin spokesman since 2012


Sergey Lavrov

Russian foreign minister, assumed position in 2004


Sergey Shoigu 

Russian defense minister since 2012


Aleksandr Bortnikov

Top Russian security official, head of Russian Security Service (FSB) since 2008


Alisher Usmanov

Uzbek-born billionaire Usmanov is the 66th richest man in the world, with a net worth of more than $15 billion.


Mikhail Fridman

Fridman controls Alfa Group with billionaires German Khan and Alexey Kuzmichev, who are also part of the US list. The 53-year-old businessman has a net worth of more than $14 billion.


Herman Gref

Gref has headed Russia’s largest bank – Sberbank – since 2007.


Alexey Miller

Miller is CEO of Russia’s largest gas company, Gazprom, one of the world’s biggest gas producers.


Arkady Volozh

In 1997 Volozh founded Russia’s largest search engine, Yandex, which is considered to be ‘the Russian Google’.

