Crowds gather in Damascus to denounce US-led strikes on Syria (VIDEO)

People flooded the center of the Syrian capital to protest US-led strikes on their country and show support for the government.
Civilians were seen waving Syrian flags, dancing, and honking their horns at Umayyad Square in the capital on Saturday.
The airstrikes in retaliation to the alleged chemical attack in Douma came just hours before the UN's Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) experts were scheduled to visit the site to determine whether chemical weapons had been used on April 7.
US Defense Secretary Jim Mattis said the Saturday attack was a one-time shot, but warned that there could be further attacks against the government of Bashar Assad "should he decide to use more chemical weapons in the future."
#Syria#Damascus : from the rallies of solidarity with the Syrian Army. The US strike is being hailed as a victory by Damascus since the Syrian military's losses were almost negligible. If anything Assad just got a boost to his support base.
— Ivan Sidorenko (@IvanSidorenko1) 14 апреля 2018 г.
Russian President Vladimir Putin said the US, UK, and France violated international norms as they launched their strikes without receiving a UN Security Council mandate.