Sword-wielding assailants shot dead after attacking police station in Indonesia (VIDEO)

Indonesian police have shot dead four men armed with swords after they attacked a police station on the island of Sumatra. One policeman was reported killed and three people injured in the attack.
The attackers rammed a van into a gate at the Riau police station in Pekanbaru on Wednesday, before getting out and continuing the assault, national police spokesman Setyo Wasist confirmed. Four perpetrators were killed and one more was detained as he attempted to escape.
It is also said that the perpetrators were armed with Samurai swords, Reuters and AFP report. The attack left one officer dead and two more wounded. A journalist who was at Riau police station at the moment of the incident was also injured as he was hit by a car, according to Reuters.
Empat orang terduga teroris ditembak mati oleh petugas setelah melakukan penyerangan di Mapolda Riau pada Rabu (16/5/2018) pagi. Seorang petugas tertusuk akibat penyerangan ini. Klik https://t.co/Gv0RLPU71a#BersatuLawanTerorisme#currentaffairs#VisuallyYourspic.twitter.com/IOi7MifTva
— VisualTVdotLive (@VisualTVdotLive) May 16, 2018
Australian news website news.com.au reports that more than one reporter, attending an unrelated news conference, were hurt.
Just two days ago, on Monday, 10 people were injured in a suicide bombing as two motorcycles drove into a checkpoint at a police station in the Indonesian port city of Surabaya.