'Erdogan’s dark dictatorship': Netanyahu hits back at Turkish leader’s 'spirit of Hitler' jibe

24 Jul, 2018 11:42 / Updated 7 years ago
© Philippe Wojazer / Umit Bektas

Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu labeled Turkey a dark dictatorship which massacres minorities after President Recep Tayyip Erdogan likened Israeli politicians to Adolf Hitler over the controversial ‘nation-state’ law.

Turkey is turning into “a dark dictatorship” which “is massacring Syrians and Kurds and has jailed tens of thousands" of its citizens, Netanyahu said on Tuesday, responding to Erdogan’s attacks. The prime minister said that his government “scrupulously maintains equal rights for all its citizens,” while Erdogan’s criticism of the newly-enacted ‘nation-state law’ is actually “the greatest compliment” to the legislation.

The Turkish president earlier slammed Tel Aviv, saying that “Hitler’s spirit re-emerges in some of Israel’s rulers,” local media reported. Speaking to lawmakers from the ruling Justice and Development Party, Erdogan accused Israel of being “the most fascist and racist country in the world,” adding that he sees “no difference” between current Israeli policies and racist laws of Nazi Germany.

Israel’s parliament adopted the controversial ‘nation-state law’ last week. The clause stating that “the right to exercise national determination in the State of Israel is unique to the Jewish people” led to public outcry in Israel and abroad.

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