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25 Jul, 2018 13:14

Royal rumble: Queen’s Guard plows through female tourist blocking his marching route (VIDEO)

Royal rumble: Queen’s Guard plows through female tourist blocking his marching route (VIDEO)

The moment a stunned tourist was shoved out of the way by a marching Queen’s Guard at Windsor Castle has been caught on video. The woman, who was beyond a rope barrier, was heard screaming in shock as she was pushed from behind.

The female tourist, who was facing the opposite direction to the guard, managed to stay on her feet when the nearly-silent soldier quietly marched up from behind, pushing her forward. In the video the guard, who was dressed in the traditional red tunic and bearskin hat, continues his stride forward after the incident.

It’s not known when the incident took place. Guards usually yell “make way for the Queen's Guard” if a member of the public prevent them from carrying out their duties. Tourists often take photos with the household guards, but the Ministry of Defence reiterated that they must stay within roped areas as they “are there to protect both the public and our soldiers.”

It is understood that there are rules in place to dictate how guards deal with nuisance members of the public. It is believed that they stamp their feet and shout a warning. Raising their rifle is the final warning before a guard can then detain the person causing a disturbance.

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