Indian boy with 24 fingers & toes ‘risks being sacrificed by his own family’, parents say

The parents of a 12-year-old born with 12 fingers and 12 toes have appealed to police to protect the boy from being sacrificed by his own greedy relatives.
According to Asian news agency ANI, the boy – named Shivanandan, from the village of Gurri in Uttar Pradesh’s Barabanki district – is facing life threats by his very own family because of his “disorder.”
His parents were quoted saying their relatives are seeking to end their child’s life after a sorcerer told them sacrificing the boy would guarantee them a life full of wealth.
Barabanki: Parents of a boy with 12 fingers & 12 toes claim that relatives are trying to kill their son after a 'tantrik' said that sacrificing a child with a disorder will make them wealthy. Father says, 'we've stopped sending him to school. We have sought help from police also'
— ANI UP (@ANINewsUP) September 2, 2018
“We have stopped sending him to school. We have sought help from the police also,” his father said.
High-ranking state police officer Umashankar Singh said police had received a complaint and that he would personally investigate the matter.
“I will conduct a fair investigation into it & won’t let him stay deprived of education. He is financially weak so his educational expenses will be incurred by me till I am posted here,” the officer said, according to an API tweet.
The news sparked outcry among the public, with some calling on the alleged sorcerer to be punished.
I agree with your view point. That tantrik should be traced,arrested, tried and punished adequately
— rs rathaur (@RathaurRs) September 3, 2018
While one suggested the anomaly is not news, another called for stricter laws to end violence against children.
Lol, I have seen a child with 24 fingers in my village. Nothing wrong or sinful or miracles in it. It's just normal.
— रौशन के. (@raushank265) September 3, 2018
Horrible. What kind of people are these who’ll kill a child just to get a little more money? And what kind of a religious idiot even comes up with this advice? That tantrik should be arrested. We need stricter laws to #ENDviolence against children
— Namrata Dadwal (@OohAahOuch) September 2, 2018
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