‘Russian hacking’ charges fly in formation: Mere coincidence or part of bigger picture?

4 Oct, 2018 22:45 / Updated 6 years ago

A wave of hacking accusations against Moscow flowed on Thursday from several western states. Russian diplomats believe it wasn’t a coincidence. But why take Moscow’s word for it, when you can check out recent events for yourself?

The UK and the Netherlands claimed that Russian government hackers were behind the attacks on the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) and the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA), and also cited an attempt to hack into the MH17 crash investigation. The US indicted seven “agents” of Russian military intelligence for a series of alleged hacks and Canada blamed Moscow for “malicious cyber-operations.”

But even if those events appear to be coordinated, as the Russian Foreign Ministry says, it really could be just the tip of the iceberg in the sea of recent international events.

The background ‘Russian hackers’ buzz

New allegations also fall on the fertile soil of anti-Russian paranoia, as the elusive hackers, allegedly directed by Kremlin, have been blamed for virtually all the major hacks and leaks over the past few years. The unfounded accusations included, but were not limited to, alleged cyberattacks on the 2016 US presidential elections, polls all across Europe, Brexit and even personal attacks on the most “prominent” anti-Russia politicians.

“Given the paranoia, vehemently fueled in the West over the past few years over the 'almighty Russian cyber spies,' who, in the minds of western politicians, live in 'backwater Russia,' any citizen of our country with a mobile device is seen as a spy,” the Russian Foreign Ministry has stated.

The whole new set of hacking allegations against Moscow, coming on the same day from different sources, cannot be a coincidence, Russian diplomats believe.

“Everything is well-coordinated,” the Russian ambassador to the UK Alexander Yakovenko told RT. “The British side made a statement and, of course, all the newspapers, as if on command, immediately gave reactions to that. And then we have other countries, who made the same statements. So, basically, we see some kind of campaign, a well-coordinated campaign to discredit Russia.”

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