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8 Nov, 2018 19:42

'Crawl back under your rock,’ Swedish FM tells anti-PC academic Jordan Peterson

'Crawl back under your rock,’ Swedish FM tells anti-PC academic Jordan Peterson

Sweden’s Foreign Minister has issued a rather undiplomatic request to Canadian academic and internet sensation Jordan B. Peterson, thrilling a Stockholm audience by expressing her desire to see him fade from the public eye.

Speaking on a “pro-women” panel in Sweden’s capital on Wednesday, Margot Wallström said that Peterson should "crawl back under the rock he came from,” adding that she "can't grasp why people waste so much time on that man." The snide remarks were reported by local media that covered the event.

Peterson recently visited Sweden to promote the international release of his new book, '12 Rules For Life, an Antidote to Chaos.’ The book has been slammed by the left as conservative snake oil and an affront to feminism.


Wallström is one of the leading forces behind Sweden’s so-called“feminist foreign policy.”

Peterson became an overnight sensation after creating a series of YouTube videos in which he decried the Orwellian nature of Canada’s Bill C-16, which he said would force Canadians to use gender-neutral pronouns. The clinical psychologist has since become a widely followed lecturer, making a number of meme-famous appearances on television.

Peterson, who maintains an active and often combative Twitter account, has apparently not yet responded to Wallström’s fighting words.
