Afghan serial offender deported from Germany & flown back… to Germany – media

11 Jan, 2019 13:34 / Updated 6 years ago
© REUTERS / Ralph Orlowski

An Afghan man, who has 23 offenses in his criminal record in Germany, reportedly spent only a few hours on board a deportation flight to Kabul, but was sent back to Germany right after landing in Afghanistan.

The male in question, identified as Mortaza D., was subject to deportation from Germany after being convicted for 23 offenses, including robbery and physical assault, according to Bild. The serial offender, along with other deportees, boarded a chartered plane packed with 100 officers, two interpreters, and a human rights activist. However, taking him back to Afghanistan turned into mission impossible.

In Kabul, Afghan border officials inspected Mortaza’s papers but refused to allow him in the country citing some “health considerations,” the tabloid reports citing a German police officer. In addition, the Afghans had doubts that the deported man was actually an Afghanistan national. 

German interior sources denounced the “health concerns” saying Mortaza D. was subjected to several medical checks before flying to Afghanistan. They also say this was the first time the Afghan authorities refused to accept their own citizen. Germany has been deporting Afghans en masse since 2016, but there were no setbacks at all.

“This was totally a surprise!” Steve Alter, Interior Ministry spokesman, told Bild. He explained the man’s identity was confirmed by the Afghan consulate prior to his deportation, and his ID was deemed authentic.

Failure to establish a foreigner’s identity has become one of the things that significantly complicate the deportation procedures. Earlier last year, it emerged the German authorities couldn’t evict a migrant suspected of committing hundreds of crimes.

Bild reported at the time that little was known about the man, as no one knew his name, let alone his age or nationality. The only verifiable fact known about him was that he arrived in Germany some 20 years ago, in 1998, without any ID.

Also on ‘Not found’: Half of ‘deported’ refugees never left Germany, report reveals

Despite being repeatedly detained, the man has successfully resisted deportation from Germany for all these years for one simple reason: the German authorities still do not know where to deport him. The man repeatedly claimed to be from one of the North African countries, Algeria and Morocco in particular. However, the authorities of these states did not confirm this information.

Out of 23,900 extraditions, which the German police should have carried out between January and May 2018, 12,800 failed for various reasons, according to Die Welt. The migrants, who ought to have been deported, often failed to turn up on time and just disappeared.

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