Thousands of Telegram accounts marked DELETED due to ‘server issue’

Some 70 thousand Telegram users couldn’t sign in on Saturday as their accounts were marked ‘deleted’. The messenger app promises to fix the “server issue.”
Telegram users in Europe and North America started to report login problems beginning at 11:00 GMT on Saturday, according to Downdetector monitoring service.
The messaging app, which touts its exceptional security, reacted quickly by tweeting that “no data is lost” during the outage and promised that “everything will be back to normal soon.”
Up to 70K users may temporarily see their account as Deleted due to a server issue. No data is lost, everything will be back to normal soon. Sorry for the inconvenience
— Telegram Messenger (@telegram) March 16, 2019
Many people who were puzzled by the sudden failure rushed to create another account on the same phone number. The messenger, however, said that no conflict will arise when new accounts are replaced with the originals once the issue is resolved.
Also on Telegram gains 3 million new users in 24 hours during Facebook outageOn Wednesday, Telegram reported that it added 3 million new users to its estimated 200 million user base within 24 hours, after Facebook, Instagram, and WhatsApp all went down at the same time.
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