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9 Apr, 2019 16:17

Ex-Toronto mayoral candidate Goldy slams ‘weak’ Facebook following ‘white nationalism’ crackdown

Ex-Toronto mayoral candidate Goldy slams ‘weak’ Facebook following ‘white nationalism’ crackdown

Banned from Facebook, former Toronto mayoral candidate Faith Goldy has accused the company of being “weak and terrified” of her right-wing ideas, and warned that “most revolutions were waged before social media!”

Goldy, an outspoken critic of non-white immigration to Canada, was banned from Facebook on Monday for allegedly violating its policies on “organized hate.” The ban also targeted a smattering of Сanadian far-right groups like the Aryan Strikeforce, Soldiers of Odin, and Canadian Infidels.

“Individuals and organizations who spread hate, attack, or call for the exclusion of others on the basis of who they are have no place on our services,” a Facebook spokeswoman said in a statement.

Also on rt.com White supremacist or rising threat to the establishment? Meet ‘Toronto’s next mayor’ Faith Goldy

Goldy herself said she had “committed no crime,” and added that “my only fault has been loving my country and citing statistics.” In another video posted to Twitter, the Canadian conservative vowed to “fight these people even harder, because they have proven themselves to be so terrified and so weak.”

The 29-year-old’s failed bid for the mayoralty of Toronto last year saw Goldy blasted with any number of labels by Canadian media: “Alt-right”, “far right”, “female Donald Trump”, “white nationalist”, “white supremacist”, “fascist”, “Nazi fellow traveler”, “neo-Nazi”, and the classic “Nazi”. Goldy herself played into the hype, promising to ”Make Canada Safe Again,” and stop Toronto from turning into a “sharia safe space.”

Her expulsion from Facebook came after various left-wing groups, including the Huffington Post, demanded the company ban a recent video by Goldy bemoaning the “imminent extinction” of the white race. Facebook chose not to ban the video two weeks ago, but now appears to have reversed course.

The Canadian Anti-Hate Network, a left-wing watchdog group, cheered the ban, calling Goldy “the tip of the iceberg,” and demanding the company now ban pages from the Canadian offshoot of the Yellow Vests movement.

Goldy’s opponents celebrated on Twitter, with some calling on that platform to follow Facebook’s lead and show her the door.

Others saw the ban as ideologically driven, with one commenter arguing that Goldy’s Canadian brand of white nationalism is no different from the Israeli Zionist movement, or the Tibetan independence movement.

Facebook’s action on Goldy came two weeks after the company promised to crack down on ‘white nationalism’ and ‘white separatism,’ banning all praise of the terms and sending users searching for white nationalist content to an educational page staffed by former extremists – a sort of online re-education camp.

In the US, the House Judiciary Committee is holding a hearing on Tuesday on the alleged role of tech companies in spreading white nationalist ideas. Facebook’s director of public policy and Google’s counsel for free expression and human rights are due to speak at the hearing, as is black conservative activist Candace Owens, who is presumably there to argue in favor of free speech.

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