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26 Apr, 2019 14:51

Sri Lankan police in shootout during search of ‘suicide vest factory’

Sri Lankan police in shootout during search of ‘suicide vest factory’

Sri Lankan police searching for suspects connected to the Easter bombings have engaged in a shootout with men during a search operation in the city of Ampara Sainthamaruthu.

The shootout erupted as police attempted to raid a location believed to have been used for the manufacturing of suicide vests, Sri Lankan news outlet News First reports. A police spokesperson said the raid was being conducted by the Army and the Police Special Task Force.

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A military spokesperson told Reuters there was an explosion in the area and when soldiers went to investigate, they were fired upon. No details of casualties were immediately available.

Police have been conducting searches across Sri Lanka in the aftermath of the deadly suicide bombings on churches and hotels which killed more than 250 people. Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS) claimed responsibility for the bombings.

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