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1 May, 2019 11:36

US military action in Venezuela ‘possible if that’s what’s required’ – Pompeo

US military action in Venezuela ‘possible if that’s what’s required’ – Pompeo

Washington is open for “military action” in dealing with Venezuela’s crisis, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo announced. Softening his war-mongering rhetoric, he said that a peaceful option is still more preferable.

If the question is, is the United States prepared to consider military action if that’s what it takes to restore the democracy there in Venezuela, the [US] president’s been consistent and unambiguous about that, that the option to use military force is available if that’s what is ultimately called for,” Pompeo said in an interview on Fox News.

Also on rt.com Fake news to cover failed coup! Venezuela, Russia respond to Pompeo’s claim Maduro almost fled

Pompeo had appeared earlier on CNN and claimed that President Nicolas Maduro was about to flee from Caracas to Cuba but, at the last moment, Moscow convinced him to stay. The remarks were instantly mocked on social media.

The claims were also quickly refuted by both Venezuela and Russia. Venezuelan Foreign Minister Jorge Arreaza blasted the US official for “making up fake news,” while the spokesperson for the Russian Foreign Ministry said that Washington is waging an “information war” in hopes of sowing discord in the South American country.

Also on rt.com Maduro: ‘David v Goliath’ conflict between Venezuela & US will leave Trump ‘stained with blood’

On Tuesday, opposition leader Juan Guaido called on the military to join him in putting “an end to the usurpation” by the Maduro government. This led to protests and riots across Caracas. The city also saw instances of sporadic in-fighting between servicemen.

President Donald Trump was among US officials refusing to rule out military intervention, saying that all “options” are on the table. In response, Maduro said that a conflict would play out in ‘David against Goliath’ fashion, leaving the US “stained with blood."

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