US belief that China wants military bases in Arctic ‘totally baseless’ – Beijing's envoy to Moscow

Moscow and Beijing cooperating in the Arctic is a win-win model for how nations can work together, Beijing’s envoy to Moscow told RT’s SophieCo, stressing that China is not seeking military bases in the region.
Beijing sees itself as a “near-Arctic” state and is actively participating in creating international rules and regulations governing the Arctic, Ambassador Li Hui told show host Sophie Shevardnadze.
But the Chinese envoy also pushed back against accusations that Beijing was eyeing military installations in the Arctic, describing Washington’s warnings as “totally baseless” and “completely unjustified.”
Also on Pentagon sounds alarm over military ‘expansion’ of China… which only has one base abroadThe region, the diplomat noted, provides immense scientific as well as economic opportunities – and Beijing and Moscow share common interests there.
“We have been working together to develop the Yamal LNG project and these joint efforts proved to be very efficient. They can serve as a model of win-win cooperation between China and Russia. Our two countries have many other joint research projects. We hope that relations between our countries will grow even deeper and we will continue our strategic cooperation and partnership in the Arctic,” he said.
Watch the full interview below:
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