Seven killed after plane, helicopter collide on Spanish island of Mallorca

Seven people, including two minors, are dead after a bizarre mid-air collision involving a helicopter and a small airplane on the Mediterranean island of Mallorca, according to government officials.
The accident occurred in the sun-bleached town of Inca, near Mallorca’s capital Palma – a destination popular with British tourists.
#ÚLTIMAHORA Un dels cinc morts en l'accident entre un helicòpter i un ultralleuger a Inca és menor d'edat. ▶️ Estem ampliant la informació aquí:📷
— IB3 Notícies (@IB3noticies) August 25, 2019
#FlashAD#AccidenteAereo el helicóptero se trataría de un Bell 206 y según medios locales habría 5 fallecidos
— Incendios f.Baleares (@iffbaleares) August 25, 2019
Photos of the crash site show the charred wreckage of the two aircraft, in what appears to be a residential area.
The nationalities of the victims are not yet known.
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