Online retailer Amazon is under fire for selling anti-Semitic children’s books dating back to Nazi Germany in a range of languages including English, German, French and Spanish.
The propaganda books describe Jews as abusive child molesters who seek world domination, and calls for them to be destroyed. The retail giant has them on sale for as little as $10.

The hate-filled texts, 'Der Giftpilz' (The Poisonous Mushroom) and 'Der Pudelmopsdackelpinscher' (The Mongrel), were released during the height of the Third Reich by propaganda publisher Julius Streicher, a personal friend of Adolf Hitler.

The Poisonous Mushroom was used as evidence during the Nuremberg trials where Streicher was found guilty of crimes against humanity.
“This book brands the Jew as a persecutor of the labour class, as a race defiler, devil in human form, a poisonous mushroom, and a murderer,” the trial report read.

“This particular book instructed school children to recognise the Jew by caricature of his physical features, shown on Pages 6 and 7; taught them that the Jew abuses little boys and girls, on Page 30; and that the Jewish Bible permits all crimes, Pages 13-17.”
The Amazon description for ‘The Mongrel' labels it an “open call to totally destroy Jewry.” It contains numerous stories about dangerous or harmful creatures such as hyenas, blood-suckers, snakes and tape-worms and compares them to Jewry.
The books being freely available on Amazon features in an upcoming More4 documentary called Auschwitz Untold. “For Amazon to be selling Nazi kid's books is unbelievable but for them to print them in Britain is just appalling. These are not books for collectors but for our children,” Executive producer Sheldon Lazarus said to the Daily Mail.
“If Amazon can predict what you want buy then they should be able to stop this filth. I cannot understand why the world's richest man Jeff Bezos cannot monitor what is being sold on his company's website.”
However, several people who purchased The Poisonous Mushroom said it was a valuable document for fighting propaganda. “I recommend this book to anyone interested in learning how to combat anti-semitism and educate the world on what Nazism really was and why they lost everything,” one commmenter wrote.
“If you want to understand the Nazi mindset towards Jews, this is a good starting point. Just as other cultures have done and still do, start by indoctrinating the children,” another added.
But others were critical of Amazon for profiting from the book: “This is an ugly example of a company making money off of racism and of a corporation sponsoring and disseminating Antisemitism. This is despicable. Amazon should know better and must stop spreading hate.” has contacted Amazon for comment, but has yet to receive a response.
Also on Amazon pulls death-camp-themed Christmas ornaments after complaints from Auschwitz museumLike this story? Share it with a friend!