‘NO ONE asked for this’: Twitter testing self-destructing post feature as users beg for ‘edit’ button instead

A new Twitter feature will auto-send posts down the memory hole after 24 hours – letting users share “fleeting” thoughts without “anxiety,” the company says – even as many users are still begging for the long-sought edit button.
The self-destruct feature, dubbed “Fleets,” will initially roll out in Brazil only. The platform’s product lead Kayvon Beykpour says this will allow users who “don’t feel comfortable” sharing their thoughts to do so while being insulated from replies, feedback or criticism.
Fleets are a way to share fleeting thoughts. Unlike Tweets, Fleets disappear after 24 hours and don’t get Retweets, Likes, or public replies-- people can only react to your Fleets with DMs. Instead of showing up in people’s timelines, Fleets are viewed by tapping on your avatar. pic.twitter.com/sWwsExRLcJ
— Kayvon Beykpour (@kayvz) March 4, 2020
Though fleets may save some especially un-woke netizens from bans or suspensions in an era of PC Twitter mobs and aggressive ‘cancel culture,’ the idea has already been widely panned nonetheless, with some users declaring it the death knell of the platform.
RIP TWITTERi ain’t updating my twitter we not about to have fleets ew
— Alenis¹¹∞ (@Iastheavenmp3) March 4, 2020
The only important question: Can you be suspended if people report your fleets and they’re adjudicated to break TOS? Example, someone got suspended the other day for replying “ok dude”.People will screenshot things they find “offensive” and share them on normal twitter...
— Pleb Enforcement 💯 (@PlebEnforcement) March 4, 2020
Twitter stories called Fleets?Mark me absent.
— Bongile August (@OfficialBongile) March 4, 2020
After years of pleas, requests, even demands, for a simple edit button – found on virtually all other social media platforms – many were up in arms over the new and seemingly useless feature, especially since it, too, is commonplace elsewhere.
“Who asked for this?” many wondered aloud.
Twitter is doing everything else except add an edit button. I’m annoyed. Who asked for Fleet?! 🙄 https://t.co/5ktLPfPrJS
— ToughPillToSwallow 🇧🇸 (@CutieE305) March 4, 2020
Nobody:Literally everyone: Can Twitter Drop an Edit ButtonTwitter: So.....We have this thing called FLEET#RipTwitterpic.twitter.com/RQkxb80wFV
— The Virgin God🙏🏾😇😈 (@RayBeenImmortal) March 4, 2020
— kaela.aaaa✨ (@aaaaleak) March 4, 2020
A number of users had already written off anyone who would use the new auto-deleting posts – if they ever reach the world beyond Brazil, that is – one insisting it was proof of cowardice and that tweeters should “commit” to their posts and “live with” the aftermath.
anyways if y’all over use that story fleet thing Twitter is adding I’m blocking
— tal (@fleetwoodsugar) March 4, 2020
although frankly, I think I'm more of the school of thought that is, if you use a fleet, you're a cowardcommit to shitposting and being dumb on main and live with it, tbh
— James Whitbrook (@Jwhitbrook) March 4, 2020
Twitter is late to the game with the feature, akin to the ‘Stories’ function long available on Instagram, Snapchat and Whatsapp, but it remains to be seen whether it will be rolled out to all users amid the wave of negative feedback – since so many apparently hope that, much like the Fleets themselves, it will disappear without a trace.
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