Getaway gone awry: Couple flees Сovid-19 Spanish lockdown, gets hypothermia in mountains instead (VIDEO)

23 Mar, 2020 12:31 / Updated 5 years ago

What may have started out as a spontaneous romantic idea quickly became a living nightmare for one couple whose bid to escape the coronavirus lockdown in Spain by fleeing to the mountains ended in two cases of hypothermia.

Things never quite work out in real life like they do in the movies, as the unfortunate 43-year-old Peruvian man and a 32-year-old Russian woman found out when they made a run for freedom from the coronavirus by escaping to the mountains. 

Alas, as footage taken by Spain’s Civil Guard shows, there was no log cabin with a roaring fire awaiting the pair. Instead, they had to make do with a ramshackle collection of branches and twigs for cover from the elements. It turns out their romantic jaunt coincided with a snowstorm.

After two nights in freezing conditions, the woman became dizzy and could no longer walk – not quite ‘swept off her feet’ as intended, perhaps – so her partner was forced to phone the police. 

So began a 48-hour search and rescue operation by the Civil Guard and the forest ranger service. When they were rescued from the mountainous Cotos region, the pair were given clean, dry clothes and train tickets back to Madrid. 

To add insult to injury, however, they were also fined for breach of lockdown. Residents and tourists in Spain are forbidden from leaving the house except to go to the supermarket or pharmacy. They probably should have just stayed home as advised.

Also on Virtue-signaling celebs preaching to the poor to stay home from their mansions is just as insufferable as COVID19

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