Amid massive BLM protests, BoJo praises US as ‘bastion of peace & freedom’

10 Jun, 2020 16:19 / Updated 4 years ago

UK PM Boris Johnson has expressed his support for the anti-racism and anti-police-brutality protests in the US… but added some confusion by also calling America a “bastion of peace and freedom.”

Johnson made his statement on Wednesday as he faced the British Parliament for a Q&A session.

A Scottish National Party MP, Kirsty Blackman, grilled the PM on his opinion of US President Donald Trump’s handling of the ongoing crisis and his response to George Floyd’s death, which she described as “horrendous.” The MP also wondered whether Johnson still believed Trump to have “many, many good qualities.”

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In his trademark fashion, Johnson managed to completely dodge the question, reiterating his support for the Black Lives Matter movement instead and calling Floyd’s death “appalling.”

“As for the qualities of Mr Trump, let me say, among many other things, he’s president of the United States, which is our most important ally in the world today,” the PM stated.

Whatever people might say about it, whatever those on the left might say about it, the United States is a bastion of peace and freedom, and has been for most of my lifetime.

Such a eulogy has baffled the public. Many said it was yet another piece of prime comedy by the PM, who never fails to amuse.

The remark might indicate that the PM was simply unaware of the recent developments across the pond, others sarcastically noted.

The US’ history, as well as the most recent events, clearly show that America has been a “bastion” of neither freedom nor peace, more people said.

A few critics even accused Johnson of seeing the world through the prism of his “white privilege.”

The US has been witnessing a wave of mass protests lately, sparked by the death of black man George Floyd at the hands of Minneapolis police. The demonstrations have spread all over the country, developing into outright rioting and looting in many locations. The protests – as well the violence – has spilled over into other Western nations, including the UK.

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