Water cannons & mounted officers: Unauthorized anti-lockdown rally in Amsterdam invokes strong police response (VIDEOS, PHOTOS)

Thousands of anti-lockdown protesters took to the streets of Amsterdam, decrying restrictive measures against the coronavirus. The unauthorized gathering was met with a strong riot police force.
The anti-lockdown protesters gathered in the center of the Netherlands capital on Sunday, despite failing to get authorization for the rally from the authorities.
Dit beschouwt men dus als een ‘gewelddadige menigte’ waarbij men het inzetten van knokploegen en waterkanonnen gerechtvaardigd vindt. Geweld is nooit een oplossing, al helemaal niet bij vreedzame demonstraties. Sta op voor je rechten. #amsterdam#museumplein#freethepeoplepic.twitter.com/FgENAyCIkd
— Brad Délano (@yogasnuiver) January 17, 2021
The protesters, who largely lacked face masks and did not exactly observe social distancing rules, decried the restrictive coronavirus measures, carrying banners reading “Freedom: stop this siege” and chanting such slogans as “What do we want? Freedom!” While the Netherlands was initially slower than some countries to respond to the pandemic, it turned to harsher restrictions in December as Covid-19 cases mounted.
Amsterdam protesting lockdowns and govt corruption...hey 🇨🇦 take notes pic.twitter.com/ZDSrEkUM8S
— 🇨🇦 in birth 🇺🇸 in 💗 (@kisslady69) January 17, 2021
The gathering was met with a strong law enforcement presence, including police officers in full riot gear and mounted units. Police demanded the protesters disperse, but the crowd failed to comply, with some protesters launching fireworks.
Na diverse oproepen naar de demonstranten op het #Museumplein om zich te verwijderen is @Politie_Adam en de #ME toch maar overgegaan tot het schoonvegen van het terrein. #Coronamaatregelen#Demo#Viruswaanzinpic.twitter.com/FpWEOOx06r
— Robby Hiel (@PersburoUNN) January 17, 2021
Police then tried to disperse the crowd by force, with some groups of protesters engaging in scuffles with officers.
Het leeg slaan van het #museumplein is nu echt begonnen pic.twitter.com/GuOxCv9IEi
— Dusty (@LoveDustyLove) January 17, 2021
At least one water cannon vehicle was deployed to back up the police units. Footage from the scene shows the vehicle dousing protesters at point-blank range as they try to block the advance of the police.
"En het bleef nog lang onrustig op het #Museumplein"..!! pic.twitter.com/T9wGcie3It
— Robby Hiel (@PersburoUNN) January 17, 2021
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