Outage: Users report major sites down, including Amazon, Guardian, NYT & Reddit

A major server outage on Tuesday resulted in many popular websites going offline, including Amazon, Twitch, GitHub, and dozens of news organizations.
Some of the internet’s most visited websites, including Amazon, Reddit, Twitch, GitHub, eBay, Etsy, Pinterest, and Stack Overflow, went offline, leaving many users from around the world wondering what happened.
twitch is down, reddit's down, twitter's acting up, big attack by the looks of thingswhat's going on pic.twitter.com/q6sJmB5emZ
— sam coates (@samcoates69) June 8, 2021
The Guardian's website and app are currently being affected by a wider internet outage and will be back as soon as possible
— The Guardian (@guardian) June 8, 2021
American and European news outlets were particularly hard hit, with websites including the New York Times, the Guardian, the Independent, FT, CNN, the Atlantic, the New Statesman, Le Monde, New York Magazine, and the New Yorker affected.
Even emojis on Twitter were temporarily knocked offline, though the social media network as a whole remained relatively stable.
It's not you, it's us.Actually, it's not even us.See you in a bit. https://t.co/zp2JIHZMRLpic.twitter.com/fpHWEjDRhm
— Haaretz.com (@haaretzcom) June 8, 2021
People from around the world, including the United States, the United Kingdom, and Australia, all reported outages, showing the problem to be worldwide. Citing an unnamed Financial Times product manager, technology news outlet TechCrunch reported that the problem was thought to have stemmed from a glitch at cloud computing services provider Fastly, which is used by many websites.
Fastly’s status page on Tuesday showed services affected all over the world. The provider reassured users that it was investigating the issue.
With the Guardian’s entire website offline, Guardian UK Technology Editor Alex Hern was forced to liveblog on the outages from Twitter, where he noted that some sites, including the BBC, managed to go back online within minutes by “switching their systems away from Fastly’s network.”
Some sites, including BBC, have managed to restore services in the past few minutes by switching their systems away from Fastly's network. Others have had patchy uptime.
— alex hern (@alexhern) June 8, 2021
Like the Guardian, the similarly-affected Verge tech news website also used an alternative platform to report on the outages, publishing an article though Google Docs.
Vast chunks of the internet are offline, including The Verge. Until we’re back, we’re reporting to you live out of Google Docs. Here’s what we know so far about the outage: https://t.co/4b1p2qhYif
— The Verge (@verge) June 8, 2021
Much of the UK government’s online infrastructure was also knocked offline by the glitch, including Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs, the official UK Covid-19 pandemic page, and the visa and immigration service.
Other government pages remained online in some form or other, though in many cases with broken links and without their full capabilities.
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