‘Scary’ Boston Dynamics dance video divides internet as robo-dogs celebrate Hyundai acquisition

American robotics company Boston Dynamics released a new robot dance video after it announced it had been acquired by Hyundai – and, like its previous effort, this one had many people terrified.
Though it announced the completion of the acquisition last week in a press release, Boston Dynamics decided to mark the occasion in style on Tuesday.
The video shows five of its dog-like ‘Spot’ robots dancing to the song ‘IONIQ: I'm On It’ by South Korean boy band BTS, and demonstrates the precision and complexity of its machines, which feature long arm-like appendages with claws.
Many social media users praised the new clip – which followed the release of a similarly cleverly choreographed number in December – but not all were quite as enthusiastic.
Also on rt.com 'We've learned nothing from sci-fi movies': Boston Dynamics' advanced dancing robots both amuse & scare“I’m not so thrilled by the scary dance video, tbh,” commented one user, while others called the dance “horrifying” and dystopian.
being forced to watch this ritualistic dance right before the robots slaughter you and everyone you love <<<<<<<<<< https://t.co/OVEvwSq93t
— Steven Ruiz (@theStevenRuiz) June 29, 2021
oh yeah cool but just imagine it dancing with knives and herding you back into your Amazon Cube for the night https://t.co/GhGN3xHnJ1
— Ethan Joyce (@ByEthanJoyce) June 29, 2021
remember this video when these monstrosities are plunging their claws into your chest and scooping out your beating heart https://t.co/Liurdfj9Zx
— atlanta hawks fan since ‘69 (@CDCarter13) June 29, 2021
“I hate these f***ing robots. I hate how they try to pretend it’s not an advancement for the police state,” declared one woman. Boston Dynamics was also criticized for having “sold out to the South Koreans,” with an US-based commenter complaining, “Can’t we keep any technology here in America anymore?”
Hyundai purchased a controlling interest in Boston Dynamics from the Japanese company SoftBank. The robotics firm was valued at $1.1 billion during the deal.
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