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26 Nov, 2021 08:44

Thousands protest power-sharing deal in Sudan (RT VIDEO)

Thousands protest power-sharing deal in Sudan (RT VIDEO)

Security forces fired tear gas as thousands of protesters hit the streets of Sudan’s capital Khartoum on Thursday to decry a power-sharing deal between the North African country’s civilian prime minister and the military.

RT’s Murad Gazdiev witnessed people in Khartoum blocking one of the city’s keyroads, setting tires on fire, and chanting pro-democracy slogans.

The protesters were angered by Sunday’s agreement between General Abdel Fattah al-Burhan and Prime Minister Abdalla Hamdok. It saw the PM, who had been under house arrest since the military coup last month, being reinstated in the job.

“We refuse this agreement… we want complete civil society. We want complete civil government,” one of the demonstrators said, summing up the mood of the crowd.

READ MORE: Ten killed & dozens wounded at Sudan anti-coup rallies, medics say (VIDEOS)

While thousands took part in the rally, attendance was much lower than the organizers had expected. According to Gazdiev, locals are starting to lose faith in the promise of political reform and a fair general election, which was made after Sudan’s longtime leader Omar al-Bashir was overthrown in 2019.

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