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22 Aug, 2022 13:26

Raging bull charges through Israeli bank (VIDEOS)

Clerks unsuccessfully tried to rope the rampaging beast
Raging bull charges through Israeli bank (VIDEOS)

A bull entered an Israeli bank on Monday morning, crashing through corridors as employees attempted to trap it. While the bull run was eventually ended when the animal was sedated, the entire incident was caught on CCTV.

According to Israeli media, the bull escaped his owner and set off through the streets of the Israeli city of Lod on Monday morning, eventually entering a branch of Leumi Bank. Video footage caught the hulking creature skidding on the bank’s polished tile floor before running down a corridor with bewildered staff in pursuit.

With the beast cornered, an ultimately fruitless attempt to trap the bull was made using a red pole and some rope.

A veterinarian soon arrived on the scene and tranquilized the bull. As the animal slumbered beneath a grove of trees, a man, identified by Israeli media as its owner, tied it up.

Another video clip from the incident shows the bull rampaging through the bank’s parking lot, likely before entering the premises. 

No casualties were reported, and no damage was done to the bank.

"In the early hours of the morning, a bull entered the offices of Leumi Bank. It was caught, and was taken outside the compound. The case was reported to the local authority and the veterinary service in the city handled the incident," said the bank in a statement. 
