PETA founder wants to be dismembered after death

People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) founder Ingrid Newkirk has updated her will, requesting that her body be mutilated and mailed to politicians and business leaders to protest their mistreatment of animals. With her remnants distributed, Newkirk wants her remaining flesh cooked and eaten.
Two decades after writing her last will and testament, Newkirk has updated the document with a whole range of macabre requests, PETA announced on Monday.
According to PETA, the 73-year-old activist now wants a piece of her neck cut off and sent to Britain’s King Charles III to protest the monarchy’s ties to pigeon racing, a sport in which losing birds’ necks are often wrung.
Newkirk wants her lips cut off and sent to the president of the United States, to stop him “kissing up to the turkey industry” at the annual Thanksgiving turkey pardoning.
Newkirk’s liver will ideally go to the president of France to protest the force-feeding of ducks and geese to produce foie gras, PETA said, while Twitter and SpaceX CEO Elon Musk will receive a chunk of Newkirk’s heart to protest his lack of “empathy and a heart” in conducting animal experiments for his Neuralink technology.
The PETA founder has also asked for one of her legs to be “violently” broken and put on display during the Grand National, for one of her ears to be sent to Spain’s King Felipe VI to protest the mutilation of bulls by matadors, and for her buttocks to be sent to the prime minister of Australia to highlight the flaying of lambs’ hindquarters during shearing.
Some long-standing requests remain, with Newkirk asking for her skin to be cured and fashioned into a leather belt and purse as a demonstration against the fashion industry, and that some of her flesh be fried “with onions for a human barbecue.”
“The thought of serving up human meat might be just the thing to jolt diners into kindness,” PETA explained.
Founded in 1980 to oppose what it calls “speciesism” and “a human-supremacist world view,” PETA is well-known for headline-grabbing publicity stunts. The organization has courted controversy for comparing dog breeding to Nazism, pouring buckets of fake blood over celebrities in fur coats, and marketing shoes made of human skin in a fake online store.
While PETA opposes all animal consumption, experimentation, and exploitation, the organization has been condemned for the euthanization policies of its shelters. Last year, PETA euthanized 74% of all cats and dogs taken into its shelter in Virginia, down from 99% several years earlier.