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12 Oct, 2024 06:12

Polish general threatens to bomb St. Petersburg

The NATO country will strike all strategic targets along the Russian border if Moscow attacks the bloc, Rajmund Andrzejczak has said
Polish general threatens to bomb St. Petersburg

Poland and its allies will instantly launch a long-range strike on St. Petersburg if Russia attacks any NATO border state, Rajmund Andrzejczak, a former Polish chief of the General Staff, has said.

Speaking at the Defending Baltics conference in Vilnius, Lithuania, earlier this week, Andrzejczak – who led his country’s military from 2018 to 2023 – warned that a Russian victory in Ukraine could have serious security implications for the US-led military bloc, especially for the countries that share borders with Russia.

“After a Russian victory in Ukraine, we would have a Russian division in Lviv, one in Brest and one in Grodno,” he said, as quoted by Bild, referring to the westernmost Ukrainian and Belarusian cities. He added that in this scenario, Poland and Lithuania would be effectively surrounded by Russian forces.

In light of this, Andrzejczak said that Russia should be deterred from a potential offensive. “If they attack even an inch of Lithuanian territory, the response will come immediately. Not on the first day, but in the first minute. We will hit all strategic targets within a radius of 300 km. We will attack St. Petersburg directly,” he said.

According to the general, Poland must “take the initiative” in deterring Moscow. “Russia must realize that an attack on Poland or the Baltic countries would also mean its end… That is the only way to deter the Kremlin from such aggression. To that end, Poland is currently buying “800 missiles with a range of 900 km,” he stated.

Russian President Vladimir Putin has repeatedly rejected the idea that Moscow has any plans to attack NATO, calling such speculation “nonsense” aimed at frightening and brainwashing Western audiences.
