Secret society investigation revealed to European Parliament

1 Jun, 2010 17:25 / Updated 15 years ago

The results of longstanding research on a secret society were presented at the European Parliament on Tuesday by Daniel Estulin, author of the bestseller "The True Story of the Bilderberg Group."

Secretive and elite, the Bilderberg group, which unites some of the world's most powerful people, has been meeting behind closed doors for decades.

Its activities have become shrouded in a mist of conspiracy theories, with some claiming its members are trying to create a new world order.

Investigative journalist Daniel Estulin has just revealed to the European Parliament all he claims to have discovered about the 'Bilderbergers'.

“Over almost 20 years of research I’ve found out that what today is called the Bilderberg group already existed over eight hundred years ago,” Estulin told RT. “Back then they were called the Venetian Black Nobility. Bilderberg is the creation of the Sinarchy movement, who are very potentially founders and financiers of Hitler. As Sinarchy International they, in turn, were founded by the Freemason esoteric secret society back in the 1770s, as a kind of a counter attack on the principles upon which the United States of America was built.”

“A lot of people speak of Bilderberg as a domain of conspiracy theories, and of course it’s not, it’s a historical fact,” Estulin stated. “A lot of people believe that Bilderberg is a one-world government or creating the new world order, especially people point out a speech made by George W. Bush made back in the 1990s about the creation of one world government. It’s actually not about that at all. It’s a meeting of people who represent a particular ideology. That ideology is of money.”

“So the idea is not to create one world government, rather the creation of one world company, limited to where financial concerns are far more powerful than any government on Earth,” the journalist added.