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14 May, 2009 11:11

Chechen woman hits the explosives jackpot

Chechen woman hits the explosives jackpot

A woman in the Russian Republic of Chechnya has voluntarily handed over 182 kilos of TNT to the police and could now get up to $100,000 as a reward.

”On Wednesday, an unemployed villager from southern Chechnya handed over 182 kilos of TNT to the police in order to get compensation,” a source told RIA Novosti.

The 38-year-old woman says she discovered the fortunate depot while she was tending sheep near her village.

The Chechen government pays 20 roubles (around $0.60) for every gram of returned explosive item, including TNT.

See arms pricelist here

As a result, the woman may get around $100,000 in return.

With this sum the woman could acquire a comfortable three-room flat in the centre of the capital Grozny or approximately a 1,000-strong flock of sheep if she prefers to stay at home and continue her regular way of life.

Last month another local resident in Chechnya was awarded $44,000 for handing over to the authorities 74 kilograms of TNT. The man said he found them by chance.

Since the all-republican program started in 2004, hundreds of small arms and large quantities of explosives have been delivered by Chechens.

During the two Chechen campaigns the Chechen soil swallowed up tons of munitions, with the majority of them still undiscovered.
